Reviews and strategy
Set strategic direction or solve a problem
Critical friend
Coaching and mentoring
Leading transformation
Accredited through PSTA
Transformation Interim
Turnaround or gnarly delivery
Market leading, innovative, quality assured
Quality consultancy resource to support, supplement and act as in-house transformation teams
Quadrant Resourcing
Excellent interims to deliver change and transformation
Fixed price delivery of work packages to secure results and benefit from true delivery-focused services outside of IR35 considerations
Capability building
Not-for-profit social enterprise, to enable public services to transform themselves.
We offer expertise in a wide range of relevant areas:
Alternative delivery models
Transformation and change
People and organisational development
Digital and customer-centred design
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
Always underpinned by our experience that the key to making change real is the virtuous triangle of strategy, leader and organisational development, and sustainable delivery. Don’t just take our word for it – in 2019 and 2020 we have been recognised amongst the Financial Times UK’s Leading Management Consultants across a range of sectors.
Service specific
Culture, consultation, and community engagement
Social care
ICT strategy and operations
Criminal justice
Public realm and regulatory services
Corporate, finance, and democratic services
Customer services
Customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX)
HR, OD and L&D
Commissioning and procurement
A trusted part of the scene
Over ten years in public service transformation
Over 96.8% of clients come back for more
Thousands of public service employees trained in transformation skills
Placed on the major local and central government and NHS frameworks
Trusted to lead partnership delivering the Cabinet Office Commissioning Academy
Regularly published in local government press, speak at local government summits
Our capacity
1700+ experienced consultants who have worked across all areas of public services and central government with significant coverage of health and emergency services
Core team of around 50, with network of experienced specialists covering all key disciplines and services
Nationwide coverage – 65% of our consultants are based outside of London
15+ former local government CEOs
Heads of service for all local government areas
600+ with central government experience
650+ have worked with the third sector
750+ have worked in or with NHS
500+ with private sector experience
100+ with Big Four consulting firm training and experience
An average of 15 years of experience per consultant in our last twenty client teams
We recognise the role of culture in enhancing quality of life in our communities and we work in a way that ensures that communities are heard.
Examples of our recent work:
Exeter City Council: Review of community and arts grants
London Borough of Croydon: Review and options appraisal for the future library service
London Borough of Sutton: Review of the archives service
Abu Dhabi Public Libraries: 2020 Public Library Strategy
Chelmsford City Council: Evaluation of museum redevelopment project
The National Archives: Project evaluations and guidance
for volunteers -
London Borough of Lambeth: options for a new location
for the borough’s archives
Sue McKenzie 07868 713786


Housing services cross the boundary between logistics and community-shaping, with strict legislative requirements and great political variation. Housing policy and management runs from multi-million pound transactions to graffiti removal, from critical gas safety to customer insight and communications. More than any other service area, it is local government in a nutshell.
Examples of our work:
We have worked to review the entirely of housing management and operations, bringing together demand management and capacity planning to restructure a department around improvements identified by customers and employees, identifying over 20 percent realisable savings in the process.
This links with our tenant and resident panel work, identifying how customers can help services to drive improvement.
We supported the procurement, design, and delivery of cross-organisation core business systems (CRM, content and document management).
Alan Burns 07875 633616
We work with local authorities to help improve adult social care services. This might be through better demand management, improved care pathways, cultural change and transformation programmes, market management or the development of new service models. Examples of our work:
Co-production of new day opportunities offer for people with disabilities in Barnsley
Review of technology offers/digital opportunity assessment within social care for Rotherham and Kirklees
Business cases for pathway redesign and outsourcing of assessment and review functions for Bexley
Development and implementation of all age disability service for Dudley
Savings diagnostic/opportunity assessment for Dorset
Improving social work practice projects for Dorset and Bexley
Fee frameworks/cost of care exercises for Sefton, Halton, Cheshire East
Options appraisal for outsourcing of in-house services for Durham

Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230

Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230
The NHS faces increasing demands from the public but without the increased funding to meet this demand. We work with all parts of the NHS on demand management, process redesign, developing new models of service provision and the interface between the NHS and the wider public sector
Examples of our work:
Review of section 75 and BCF arrangements with local authority for a London CCG
Commissioning and procurement of the first multi-speciality community provider in the UK for Scarborough and Ryedale CCG
Lean process review for Sussex Partnership NHS FT
Transformation partner for CLCH NHS FT
Strategic review of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman service
Strategic advice to the Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Council
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We are increasingly working directly on projects that relate to equality, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I). Through our work in this area, we aim to transform ED&I practice in public services by doing what we do - bringing together teams of experienced people to bring change about in public services - in this instance, people with wide and deep experience in ED&I in public services and the private sector.
Examples of our work:
Diversity Impact Assessment for Civil Service assessment centre - focused on eliminating unconscious bias and applying good practice
Development of a diversity and inclusion strategy - UK regulator
Development of an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy – arms-length body
Equality, diversity and inclusion input to Covid-19 economic recovery strategy and further ED&I support - local enterprise partnership
Design and delivery of ‘Leadership in Diversity’ training - police force and senior leadership team of council
Review of HR practice from an ED&I perspective – Local Government Association
Janice Prentice 07946 498 195

We possess a wide range of services including project, programme and portfolio management to support strategic IT. Our highly-experienced team includes ICT and systems consultants from across the sector, including specialists in:
IT applications that support local government services e.g housing, children’s services, asset management, planning, environment etc and integration
organisation-wide applications (CRM, case management, document management)
assessing current systems and presenting options for change covering new software, hardware, channel functionality, and operational
Examples of our work:
South Lanarkshire, review of customer contact programme
Bolton at Home, Paving the Way Transformation Programme
Plymouth City Council, Customer transformation
Nottingham City Homes, Procurement of customer relationship management IT System and mobile working strategic support
Alan Burns 07875 633616
We have experts in both adult and juvenile justice. Just as importantly, we have experts in local authority housing and care, and health. We can help local partners join up services in order to make sure that money and services are targeted as effectively as possible. We also know a lot about mutualisation and out-sourcing, and can help criminal justice agencies think about this approach as well. We’ve also worked overseas and can bring best international practice to bear too.
Examples of our work:
We worked with the Danish prison service to outline transformation plans for savings, and service improvements. They use a Positive Deviance approach to identify real opportunities within the population for improved outcomes.
We are currently a supplier of surge capacity to the transformation programme of the MPS and have worked on leadership development for MPS and communications strategy for Leicestershire Police.
We have worked on various MOPAC projects including feasibility study for social investment in gang exit programme and sustainability strategy for Child House.

Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230
Designing service delivery models and operating models around the needs, perceptions and behaviours of service users is increasingly recognised as critical to achieving an efficient and effective business model. Similarly organisations are becoming aware that they need to ensure that the purpose of their organisation is clear and is aligned with what they deliver as services and how they deliver these services.
Is your organisation able to clearly state its purpose and map this purpose onto all elements of how it engages with its service users?
Have you explored the potential to use such insights to simplify what you offer and focus on what really matters to you and your service users?
Is an understanding of customers, their experience of you as a service provider and their perceptions ‘baked’ into how you assess your performance and manage services?
Have you explored how customer data including demographic profiling, persona creation, open-source data and data you hold on customers can help you?
Have you explored how deeper insight into customer need and experience can help you navigate major changes such as the move towards more automation and self-service?
Our approach is one of partnership and customer centred change where we focus on the areas, insights and issues that will provide useful actionable insights. Our aim is to help you to develop your skills and navigate the path to new and deeper insight into your customers and how to deliver excellent services efficiently.
Examples of our work:
Her Majesties Courts and Tribunals Service: Providing expert advice and support to the digital transformation of the Justice System over a period of around 18 months, including process review for complaints and major incidents processes.
Social Housing Providers: We regularly complete channel strategy reviews, technology reviews and business case development work for social landlords and have completed several channel strategies based on a customer centric deliver model.
We helped Westminster to close their one-stop shops without causing difficulties for customers. Online services were improved, and easy-access self-service computers were installed in community centres and libraries, with support staff in some locations. Westminster saved over £1.2m a year.

Alan Burns 07875 633616

Learning and organisational development is at the heart of the RedQuadrant offering.
We are currently providing strategic consultancy, training and development and individual and team coaching for Devon County Council. Working closely with the 'doing what matters' team, the purpose of the programme is to provide support to leaders as they find new ways of thinking and behaving to support service transformation on a wide scale.
Ongoing partnership with Bristol City Council for leadership development training and coaching – the Applied Programme, Bristol Leads, and leadership development for senior directors. This work supports real-time delivery of business objectives, identifies and delivers savings and opportunities, encourages greater challenge and support, builds capacity to lead complex service redesign and embed disciplined, sustainable continuous improvement. As well as workshops, executive coaching is a key element of the programme. The first four cohorts identified savings of over £11million and were modelling behaviours and cascading/promoting almost immediately.
The States of Guernsey – designed and delivered a blended learning programme that focussed on transformational change skills and included an online learning platform and modules as well as face to face workshops and coaching support
Two programmes of leadership development and coaching to Directors and Heads of Service at Leicester City Council, in Children’s Services and Adult Services. The purpose of the programme of work in Children’s Services was to embed greater flexibility in leadership, improve collaboration and improve leadership presence to communicate more effectively.
Office for National Statistics - Cultural diagnostic and strategic and cultural change assignment with the Crime Statistics team.
Ongoing coaching and support to senior leaders across a number of councils.

Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230

Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230
Very senior, specialist human resources consultants with strong practical experience: Job redesign – for the Cabinet Office we provided strategic human resources and organisational design capability focusing on job profile review and redesign.
Review for a central government department to challenge recruitment criteria and deliver comprehensive documentation to use as a basis for a range of activities.
Pay audit – board remuneration reviews, higher education in Scotland.
Working with the human resources department of Guernsey to build capacity, capability and confidence in the context of large transformation programmes.
Reviewing human resources in the context of creating whole organisation new operating models, including for West Lancashire council target operating model.
Strategy for recruitment and retention for social work in a London borough following the service being put into special measures after an Ofsted report.
Other areas of expertise include: shared services; case work, including investigations; development centres; focus groups; learning and development solutions; leadership development; prioritisation; HR systems; and TUPE.
We are leading-edge practitioners and thinkers on commissioning, from exploring and making accessible what place-based, complexity-informed, and outcome-focused commissioning means, to supporting real co-design and community development focus. We convene groups of place-based senior leaders to understand and engage with their place as a system, and offer practical skill-building for commissioners.
Examples of our work:
Delivery of the Cabinet Office Commissioning Academy through the Public Service Transformation Academy
Support to the development and capability-building of commissioning skills and behaviours for Kent
Outcomes-based commissioning review for Sutton
Whole council commissioning approaches for Sefton and Knowsley
Review and restructure of commissioning approach with transformational focus for Maidstone
Benjamin Taylor 07931 317230

Very senior, specialist human resources consultants with strong practical experience: Job redesign – for the Cabinet Office we provided strategic human resources and organisational design capability focusing on job profile review and redesign.
Review for a central government department to challenge recruitment criteria and deliver comprehensive documentation to use as a basis for a range of activities.
Pay audit – board remuneration reviews, higher education in Scotland.
Working with the human resources department of Guernsey to build capacity, capability and confidence in the context of large transformation programmes.
Reviewing human resources in the context of creating whole organisation new operating models, including for West Lancashire council target operating model.
Strategy for recruitment and retention for social work in a London borough following the service being put into special measures after an Ofsted report.
Other areas of expertise include: shared services; case work, including investigations; development centres; focus groups; learning and development solutions; leadership development; prioritisation; HR systems; and TUPE.
Alan Burns 07875 633616
Setting up mutual, spin-outs, and trading companies instead of out-sourcing
Using social investment to solve long-standing problems
Using social marketing to nudge behaviour change
Developing tools to really measure how effective preventative services actually are
Using strengths based approaches to solve local problems – finding the answers within local communities
Examples of our recent work:
We developed and delivered the incubator process for the London Borough of Newham, helping services to identify their opportunities to trade and innovate, going through a business case development and negotiation process and choosing the appropriate legal form.